Job Details

Within each job, you will find various details and functionalities that facilitate effective management and tracking.


  • Upload relevant files associated with the job, such as source documents, reference materials, or completed translations.

  • Access and manage the files within the job to ensure easy retrieval and organization.

Client Finances

  • Calculate the price to charge the client for each task based on the pricing configuration set for the client.

  • Track and manage the pricing details within the job to ensure accurate billing.

Vendor Finances

  • Calculate the prices to pay vendors for each task based on the vendor rates specified in their profiles.

  • Keep track of the vendor payments within the job to facilitate timely and accurate payments.

QA Score

  • Assign a quality assurance (QA) score to the job to evaluate the overall quality of the completed tasks.

  • Use the QA score to monitor and improve the translation and localization processes.