Vendor Access Portal

The vendor access portal provides vendors with a streamlined view of relevant information and functionality within Radix. Here’s what vendors can do within their access portal:

Task Management

Vendors can view the tasks assigned to them by the agency. They have the ability to download associated files, review task details, and make informed decisions regarding task acceptance or rejection. Vendors can mark their assigned tasks as complete, ensuring clear communication and progress tracking.

Quality Assurance (QA)

Vendors can access and review their own quality assurance (QA) evaluations. They can view QA scores, feedback, and any additional details related to the evaluation. This feature allows vendors to monitor their performance and make necessary improvements.

Purchase Orders (POs) and Invoices

Vendors can access their purchase orders (POs) and review the details associated with each PO. They have the ability to accept or reject a PO if needed. Additionally, vendors can upload invoices related to the accepted POs, ensuring smooth invoicing processes and transparent financial transactions.


Vendors can view their payment history and track the status of their payments. They can review payment details, such as payment amounts, dates, and associated POs or invoices. This functionality allows vendors to stay informed about their financial interactions with the agency.

Vendor Profile Management

Vendors have the ability to manage their own profile information. They can update their personal details, request price changes for their services, request changes to their preferred payment methods, and set their working hours and availability, including holidays. This feature ensures that vendor information remains up to date and aligned with their individual preferences and requirements.

Please note that the vendor access portal offers a restricted view and functionality compared to the main system used by managers. The focus is on providing vendors with the necessary tools to manage their assigned tasks, invoicing, payments, and profile information efficiently.