Job Management

The Job Management section in Radix allows managers to efficiently handle job requests, create tasks, and track the progress of each job. This section will guide you through the workflow stages, job creation process, task management, and related functionalities.

Job Creation

To create a new job in Radix, managers follow these steps:

  • Receive a job request, typically via email, from a client.

  • Access the application and navigate to the "New Job" section.

  • Fill in the necessary details for the job, including the associated project, client deadline, manager in charge, and a name for the job.

  • Save the job to create a record within the system.

Task Management

Tasks are the individual components that make up a job. Each task represents a specific service and is measured using a particular unit. Managers can create one or more tasks within a job based on the requirements.

Creating a Task

  • Within the job details, click on "Add New Task" to create a task associated with the job.

  • Specify the name of the task, select the service type (e.g., Translation, DTP, Review, LSO, etc.), choose the appropriate unit of measurement (e.g., word, hour, page), and enter the quantity of units required for the task.

  • Set a deadline for the task, ensuring it aligns with the overall client deadline.

  • Optionally, mark the task as "Free of charge" if it is not billable to the client.

  • Save the task to include it in the job.

Managing Tasks

  • Access the job details and locate the task you want to manage.

  • Edit the task to make changes such as adjusting the quantity of units, updating the deadline, or marking it as billable or non-billable.

  • Save the changes to update the task within the job.

Workflow Stages

Jobs in Radix go through several workflow stages, allowing you to track their progress and ensure timely completion.

The following workflow stages are available:

  • Created: The initial stage when a manager creates a job.

  • In Progress: The job is in progress, and tasks are being assigned to vendors.

  • Assigned: Each task within the job has been assigned to a vendor for completion.

  • Delivery: All tasks within the job have been completed, and the final deliverables are being prepared.