
Radix offers a powerful reporting module that allows you to export data in Excel format for various entities and time ranges. Additionally, you can gain valuable insights and track the performance of your agency using built-in statistics. Let’s explore the reporting capabilities of Radix:

Data Export

Jobs between Specific Date Range

Export a comprehensive list of jobs completed within a specified date range. This report provides a detailed overview of the jobs, including associated clients, projects, tasks, assigned vendors, and other relevant details.


Export a vendor report that includes information about your vendors, such as their names, contact details, skills, rates, and performance metrics. This report helps you manage and evaluate your vendor relationships effectively.


Generate a report containing client-related data, including client names, contact information, project details, and financial records. This report provides insights into your client base and aids in tracking their engagement and financial interactions.

Purchase Orders between a Range of Dates

Export a report that summarizes the purchase orders created within a specified date range. This report captures the purchase order details, including vendor information, tasks, payment terms, and associated jobs or projects.

Invoices between a Range of Dates

Export an invoice report that encompasses all invoices generated during a specific time period. This report includes invoice details, client information, services rendered, payment status, and associated jobs or tasks.

Payments between a Range of Dates

Generate a report that outlines the payments made to vendors within a specified date range. This report helps you track and manage financial transactions with vendors, including payment amounts, dates, and associated purchase orders or invoices.

QAs between a Range of Dates

Export a report that showcases the quality assurance (QA) activities conducted within a particular time frame. This report includes QA scores, associated jobs or tasks, vendor performance metrics, and any additional QA-related information.


Monthly Job, Project, and Task Count

View statistics on the number of jobs, projects, and tasks completed within a specific month. This data helps you understand your agency’s workload and track productivity trends over time.

Monthly Evolution

Track the evolution of key performance metrics, such as job count, revenue, and client engagement, across different months. These statistics provide valuable insights into your agency’s growth and performance.

Vendor QA Score Evolution

Monitor the evolution of a vendor’s QA scores over time. This statistic helps assess vendor performance and identify trends in quality assurance.